
Improve your system with our professional IAM solution

What we do

Akkess IAM is a managed service and toolbox to enable secure and reliable access management for any kind of application.

Akkess has all those common features that you can expect from an IAM plus a powerful management console for administration. By integrating with Akkess IAM, you will be able to have the same features as Google and Amazon but with very little effort.

Akkess has developer focus — meaning that it shall be fun to use and complicated things shall be made easy.

Toolbox for access management

Why Akkess?

Secure your domain

We provide the tools to secure access to your APIs and to handle data level access​. Our flexible solution can handle a wide range of domains and businesses. Ranging from organization-oriented solutions to Internet of things applications.

Focus on your core business

By using Akkess IAM you shorten time-to-market and can focus on your core business. The Akkess platform documentation guides to implement a flexible, performant and robust access management on your system.


Akkess has built in auditing. This means that you track down all events happened in the system and know who had which access at given time. You can also re-construct data structure for given moment. Audit is crucial when things go bad.


Akkess IAM protects your APIs and will only permit users with the right level of privileges to access them. Roles, permissions, groups and organizations are configurable to reflect your domain and your nomenclature.

Access management made simple

The missing piece

Akkess Platform implements the missing piece between your applications and services and identity providers.

The identity provider ensures who you are and Akkess ensures what you can do.

Akkess has a pluggable integration with identity providers supporting OpenId Connect and SAML.

Authentication & Authorization flow
  1. You login – using the preferred identity provider
  2. Using the token from the identity provider you can issue an Akkess Token
  3. The Akkess Token contains meta data and your access rights
  4. You use the Akkess Token to call your business service
  5. The service uses the Akkess Token’s validation to authenticate you
  6. The service uses the Akkess Token’s content to authorize you



Akkess has integration with well known Identity providers both for custom setup and social login. You can also use your own solution.


Authorize your users on both feature and data level. Akkess supports with best practices to implement reliable and fast access management on data level.

Akkess Token

The Akkess Token keeps a customized set of atttibutes and used for authorize client requests.

Access Management

Fully customization of roles and permissions. You decide who can do what.


Akkess supports with a set to standard roles and you are free to add as many you want.


Beside built in permission you can define any number of your own.


Built-in support for defining your structure. Organize your branches, company or social app.


Manage all your users in one place. Full support for user registration flow including verification email, temporary passwords etc.


Devices and users are first-class citizens in Akkess. Devices can interact in same way as users can.

Fully managed

Akkess is a fully managed service located in the cloud. For enterprise, we offer a hybrid-SaaS delivery option.


Understand your users behavior and track down anomalies. Act instead of react.


One Akkess space is its own isolated island and cannot share data with other spaces within Akkess.

A great fit for microservice architecture

Local decisions

The microservice can validate that the provided Akkess token is correctly signed without the need of an external call to our backend except for the initial lookup of the public key.

Background data sync

User access references and configured policies can be replicated to the microservices which makes it possible for the services to make complex local decisions. For example nested access control via an organization tree.

Multitenancy through spaces

The Akkess token contains an audience reference which corresponds to the used space. The microservices can used this key when storing/retrieving data to enable multitenancy in your offering.

Users, devices, groups, organizations, roles, permissions, social login, key management - yes we have it all

Some statistics

  • The average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million (IBM)
  • The average cost per lost or stolen record in a data breach is $148 (IBM)
  • The average cost savings with an incident response team is $14 per record (IBM)
  • Companies that contained a breach in less than 30 days saved more than $1 million compared to those that took more than 30 days (IBM)
  • The extensive use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices increased the cost per compromised record by $5 (IBM)
  • The cost of lost business after a breach for US organizations adds up to $4.2 million (IBM)
  • Notification costs after a breach for US organizations add up to $740,000 (IBM)
  • A mega breach of 1 million records has an average total cost of $40 million (IBM)
  • A mega breach of 50 million records has an average total cost of $350 million (IBM)
  • Hospitals spend 64 percent more annually on advertising over the two years following a breach (American Journal of Managed Care)

Get In Touch With Us

Packhusplatsen 2, 411 13 Gothenburg, Sweden

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